Friday, August 10, 2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Book recommendation (3D Engine)

I'm currently busy coding the 3D renderer interfaces and the object model (mainly serialization) at the moment. Due to my lack of 3D renderer coding knowledge, I searched for books covering that topic.

The book I found most interesting (and bough eventually) is
3D Game Engine Design 2nd Edition by David H. Eberly

It covers nearly every topic you need for implementing a modern 3D renderer.
The source code for Eberlys Engine "Wild Magic" comes with the book and is always worth a look if you want to know implementation details.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Server online - we're ready to roll

Our server is finally online.
We are currently busy configuring it.

We want to use it as a SVN-/, Web-/, Mail-/ and Buildserver (Probably Hudson).
Soon you can visit us at (a .com domain will follow soon).

Once the website is online, I'll post again ;).

Everyone is very busy at the moment coding, designing and drawing.

I'm very happy with how things are doing right now and I hope that it'll stay that way.