Saturday, January 21, 2012

Generic 2D collision system.

Today I want to explain the system I use in my engine for collision detection.
I tried to keep the collision system as generic as possible.

My engine provides a class called "CollisionComponent". You can add one or more components to a game objects to make them collidable. (Collision detection is done via collision rectangles).

To make the collision handling as generic as possible I decided to realize the handling "response" (the point where it'll get decided what to do with the collided objects) with function pointers.

You can "subscribe" gameobjects via typename (String) or a specific id (int) and with a pointer to a function that receives two pointer to game objects(first is the object that did "the impact" and the second is the object that got hit) and returns void.

Here's a little code snippet to make it more clear how that works:
 void collision_handler(GameObject *object1,GameObject *object2)  
    //...Do fancy stuff here  
 int main()  
    GameObject object1("Type1");  
    GameObject object2("Type2");  
    CollisionComponent *collComp = new CollisionComponent();  
    CollisionComponent *collComp2 = new CollisionComponent();  
    //subscription with type  
    //subscription with id  

The difference between subscription via type and id is that multiple game object can have the same type (for very generic collision handling like "bullet hits player" or "weapon hits enemy").If you want to make more specific collision handling you can use the subscribe function that uses ids because the ids of the objects are unique.

The only problem is that each tick each game object gets checked with every other game object.
That's not very performant, but I don't know how to do it better, yet.

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